Myongji University Microsystems Laboratory Directed by Prof. Sang Kug Chung

조회 수 : 11601
2011.12.02 (15:01:27)
Dr. George Whitesides
Dr. George Whitesides
Wyss Institute

One of America’s most prominent nano-scale scientists, Harvard University Professor George M. Whitesides Ph.D., explains how he believes nanotechnology could revolutionize the world as we know it. He participates in a colloquial discussion with BBC Radio interviewer Bridgitte Kendall in this 18-minute radio session.

He distinguishes between how well mathematics and the physical sciences are advancing our knowledge of material reality, on one hand, even while we do not possess complete intuitive understanding of what the nano-scale sciences explain, on the other hand. One of Dr. Whitesides' special interests is the application of science in developing economies.

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