Improving on The Performance of LCD's for Mobile Applications
In a world where LCD’s have seemingly overcome their shortcomings, is there room for another disruptive display technology?
The Future of Mobile Displays
Download a Whitepaper which describes how our HEOS system builds and shapes the future of mobile displays.
A Technology Breakthrough
Read about the invention of our Electrowetting displays and the principles behind our HEOS system.
Technical Assistant - Test - UK
IP Engineer - Eindhoven - Part-Time
Process Development Engineer - Eindhoven
Transmissive Electrowetting-Based Displays for Portable Multi-Media Devices
In the past, electrowetting-based displays have been successfully demonstrated in reflective mode, showing video capability and high optical performances. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time that this technology can be extended to the transmissive mode enabling a large variety of applications. This paper describes the main technical and system aspects and explores the capability of this high efficiency optical switch.
Liquavista Displays - a replacement for LCD?
Benelux Venture Forum May 28th, 2009
Video-speed response in a reflective electrowetting display
IDW Proceedings 03, 1741 (2003)
A reflective display based on electrowetting: principle and properties
IDRC Proceedings 03, 322 (2003)
1-in active matrix addressed electrowetting displays
Proceed. Int. Display Workshop, 1717 (2004)
A high brightness color 160 ppi reflective display based on electrowetting
SID Symposium Digest 36, 1674 (2004)
제목 | 조회 | 등록일 |
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할리우드 3D업계를 움직이는 숨은 실력가들: 이상협, 신유성 동문
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LG Display, 세계 1위 전자종이업체 PVI와 제휴 (67) | 12375 | 2011-12-02 |
의학전문대학원에 합격한 차재학 학생의 이야기
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물방울 카메라와 종이를 확 바꾼다 (과학동아 2004) (3) | 10361 | 2011-12-02 |
Electrowetting display (55) | 14479 | 2011-12-02 |
Checkered history of mother and daughter cells explains cell cycle differences (49) | 14246 | 2011-12-02 |
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The Anti-Desertification Robot, Digda (1) | 10433 | 2011-12-02 |
Shape-shifting robot forms from magnetic swarm | 12458 | 2011-12-02 |
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Stickybot | 10247 | 2011-12-02 |
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Texas A&M 교환학생 수기
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