When mother and daughter cells are created each time a cell divides, they are not exactly alike. They have the same set of genes, but differ in the way they regulate them. New research now reveals that these regulatory differences between mother and daughter cells are directly linked to how they prepare for their next split. The work, a collaboration between scientists at Rockefeller University and the State University of New York, Stony Brook, may ultimately lead to a better understanding of how cell division goes awry in different types of cancer.
Long division. When budding yeast cells divide, a gene regulator called Ace2 (yellow) is present in only half the offspring. |
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Public Library of Science Biology 7(10): e1000221 (October 20, 2009) Daughter-Specific Transcription Factors Regulate Cell Size Control in Budding Yeast Stefano Di Talia, Hongyin Wang, Jan M. Skotheim, Adam P. Rosebrock, Bruce Futcher and Frederick R. Cross |
Contact: Thania Benios 212-327-7146
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