Myongji University Microsystems Laboratory Directed by Prof. Sang Kug Chung

조회 수 : 2651
2021.10.13 (11:06:42)

Dear Authors,

Congratulations to your following paper which has been officially

published in Micromachines

Title: "Electric Field-Driven Liquid Metal Droplet Generation and

Direction Manipulation"

Your paper will be published in Volume 12, Issue 10.

제목 조회 등록일
Our collaboration work has been accepted in Small 21375 2021-10-13
Our work carried out by Song et al. has been accepted in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 3517 2021-10-13
Our work carried out by Jeong et al. has been accepted in Micromachines 2651 2021-10-13
[K유니콘 성공시대] 될성부른 ‘아기 유니콘’ 면면 살펴보니 2690 2021-09-02
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Our work carried out by Won et al. has been accepted in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 21991 2021-08-19
Our work carried out by Park et al. has been accepted in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2910 2021-08-19
아기 유니콘 200 선정 3013 2021-05-28
Our work carried out by Lee et al. has been accepted in Review of Scientific Instruments 5182 2021-05-07
마이크로시스템 CES 2021 혁신상 수상 언론기사 파일 [1] 4109 2021-01-05
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Microsystems, Inc. received CES 2021 Innovation Award 파일 4586 2020-12-21
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소재 부품 장비 스타트업 100 선정 파일 4211 2020-11-12
한국가시화정보학회 학술상 수상 파일 [1] 3681 2020-11-12
우수 논문상 수상 (현영빈) 파일 [1] 4341 2020-11-12
Microsystems, Inc. released a new DFG camera module for autonomous driving [1] 5312 2020-07-08
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