Myongji University Microsystems Laboratory Directed by Prof. Sang Kug Chung

Ref: RSI19-AR-00643R

Title: Optothermally pulsating microbubble-mediated micro-energy harvesting in underwater medium

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Optothermally pulsating microbubble-mediated micro-energy harvesting in underwater medium [RSI19-AR-00643R] 

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The Editors of Review of Scientific Instruments


Ref: RSI19-AR-00643R

Title: Optothermally pulsating microbubble-mediated micro-energy harvesting in underwater medium

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript, referenced below, has been accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instruments. Materials are being prepared for AIP Production Services. 

"Optothermally pulsating microbubble-mediated micro-energy harvesting in underwater medium" 


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When your page proofs are ready for your review, you will receive an e-mail from AIP Production Services that will inform you of the AIP Production Number assigned to your submission. Direct all questions pertaining to papers in the production process to the contact information supplied in that e-mail. Be sure to include the AIP Production Number on all correspondence. 

A link to the Rightslink service for ordering reprints will be provided when proofs are ready for review. 

Thank you for your contribution to the Journal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 

Sincerely yours, 

Qingyou Lu 
Associate Editor 
Review of Scientific Instruments
2019.11.08 (23:31:00)
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