Myongji University Microsystems Laboratory Directed by Prof. Sang Kug Chung

Ms. Ref. No.:  SNA-D-14-01078R3
Title: 3D Electrowetting-on-dielectric Actuation Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical

Dear Prof. Sang Kug Chung,

I am pleased to confirm that your paper "3D Electrowetting-on-dielectric Actuation" has been accepted for publication in Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical.

When your paper is published on ScienceDirect, you want to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. To help you get your message across, Elsevier has developed a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown (publicly available) next to your published article. This format gives you the opportunity to explain your research in your own words and attract interest. You will receive an invitation email to create an AudioSlides presentation shortly. For more information and examples, please visit

Your accepted manuscript will now be transferred to our production department and work will begin on creation of the proof. If we need any additional information to create the proof, we will let you know. If not, you will be contacted again in the next few days with a request to approve the proof and to complete a number of online forms that are required for publication.

Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.

With kind regards,

Victor M. Bright, Ph.D.
Micromechanics Section Editor
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical
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